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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Seven Days

These seven days before Christmas are when I mow
the back section of the ranch. Wide open land
and Handel's Messiah on the radio seem to get me in the
spirit. Long days on a tractor also give me plenty of time
for reflection. I will think of Christmas past celebrated with family,
friends and animals no longer here. I loved them all.  I will think about 
all the parents making great personal sacrifice to insure their
children have presents under the tree then contrast that with
 friends that have been blessed with a bountiful life. I will think
about certain people who have the spirit of giving all
year round then contrast that with my occasional random acts of
kindness. I will think about all the people, and animals, I have met
on Blogger and wish them joy and peace and time.... to reflect.


  1. Drive safe out there on that tractor .....we are enjoying rain after 6 weeks of none. The animals are all enjoying the flush of grass. Its hot and humid here in NZ too. Soon my family mow the hay fields and while there is plenty to mow I'm sure the paddocks are nothing compared to the size of yours. Was so impressed with that truck taking out the stallion.Hope he got there safe. Happy days

  2. Lovely post. You captured the true meaning of the season. Happy Holidays!

  3. Beautifully said Badger..Wish you a wonderful Christmas too, to you and to all the one you love..danielle
